Thursday, April 8, 2010

Idealogically Challenged

I am in an unstable relationship with our U.S. Government. As a child, I was raised in a Republican environment. My family is Southern Baptist and conservative. After all, I grew up in Waco-right next door to the "Western White House." I remember turning 18 and being able to vote in the 2000 election for the first time...I stayed up all night watching the polls to see who would prevail. I was dying for Bush to win-but why? I don't know. That's just what everyone around me wanted, so I was going with the flow.
Fast forward to 2010, where my ideas of government and the changes looming over the United States continue to change as my life changes. I am 27, and on Tuesday I lost my job. As the head of HR walked me through the "exit guide," she pointed out that with the recent Health Care Reform being signed into law, Cobra insurance would no longer be $500 per month. It had decreased to around $150. Now, this law was was put into action by a Democratic president. If I'm a Republican, I'm not supposed to like this. But as a grown woman who has to make ends meet, I appreciate this recent upheaval of the Health Care regime. I feel myself wanting to cheer Obama on as he helps "the little man," because as a "little woman," this change is improving my life and allowing me to enjoy financial and health insurance stability.
Although I appreciate some of what Obama and his govermment are doing, I still feel a nagging guilt for being "on his side." I feel torn about whether his actions are in line with Socialism, and confused on whether his ideals are constitutional. Although the constitution was drafted on the idea of democracy, it seems that we, the people, have not been doing a good job of ruling. Our country seems to be in trouble, and Obama's changes seem to be helping. I just hope his laws and ideas are not a "quick fix" that will damage our country more than help it in the long run. For me peronally, I will continue to keep a more open mind than I have had in the past, and keep an eye on how these changes effect not only myself, but our country as a democratic whole.

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