Monday, February 15, 2010

Obama: Getting it any way he can

It looks as though Obama is tired of waiting around for some action. An article on the Drudge Report today announced that Obama is "making plans to use executive power." The article goes on to describe that though many members of Congress are not on board with him, the time has come (that time being his second year in office, as apparently planned) to go ahead and do things his way. He plans to go around legislation for many issues, such as "energy, environmental, fiscal, and other domestic policy priorities." I am aware that executive orders have always been a part of the presidential powers that be, and journalist Peter Baker describes Clinton and Bush also exercising them in his article, but for Obama pushing through the health care reform seems a little more sensitive than Clinton declaring a"2,600-square-mile section of southern Utah into the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument." Throwing his power around to force through issues that so many members of lthe egislative branch adamantly oppose, or at least want to debate, contradicts the original declaration of democracy which our country claims to stand on. I think it's important for my peers to read this article because in my opinion it gives insight into the type of leader, or perhaps dictator, President Obama truly is.